Tom Sanborn has been building Hot Rods and helping Rodders since the 50's. His art and hard work as changed the face of Hot
Rodding forever!
Tom's "T" at the 1964 Auto Rama at the State Fairgrounds in Nashville, TN. |

Tom driving his T-Roadster thru Pigeon
Forge, TN. on the way home from the very first Rod Run in Gatlinburg, TN. in 1965.

Later in the 60's Tom converted the T-Roadster into a C-Cab with a removable top and laid down some cool two tone paint!

In the 70's, Tom added a ton of chrome, painted it two tone blue and improved the ride with Jag suspension front and rear!

The 80's brought about another change in Tom's
T. This make over in red is how the "T" looks today. After fouty three years Tom is still cruising in his T-roadster!!
